The Cute Couponer

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oh Say Does That Star Spangled Banner Yet Wave

Happy Memorial Day weekend to all my fellow couponers! I can't believe it's already the end of May. Today I was thinking of all the things I have to get accomplished this weekend, including a quick run to Walgreens and CVS,  and I sat down and started thinking in the grand scheme of things so many of these things don't matter. Memorial Day is to remember and honor those we have loved and have lost. I am so grateful we live in a country where we get to make our own decisions. Granted, we have lost many civil liberties but as a whole if we set our mind to it there isn't anything we can't accomplish. I am so grateful for the brave men and women who leave their families and loved ones to go oversees and fight a war so we can stay free. If you see a soldier this weekend shake their hand and say thank you. Just for this weekend let's step back and think about those selfless people who made a life changing decision to help make our lives better. I want to share with you some of my favorite images .....


          If this doesn't make you proud to be an American I don't know what will !!!!!


I hope you all have a super special fun filled weekend.
Don't forget to stock up on hot dogs !!!!!!!!!!!!

The Cute Couponer

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