The Cute Couponer

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's All About Saving Money and Giving Back

Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a super New Year's weekend. I hope you are enjoying our guest bloggers. This is another new friend of mine Tracy Shaw. Let me know what you think. She's absolutely adorable...

My name is Tracy Shaw and I am a stay at home mom of two wonderful children.  Before I stayed home, I was a Branch Manager of a Staffing Firm in Brandon, FL (Robert Half International)..My job was to train internal sales people, staff my internal positions, and staff all my clients needs...I was a sales person, I talked to, interviewed, and worked with many people on a daily basis.  I was actually very successful, but when my son was in my womb...I just couldn't think of someone else seeing his "firsts", so my husband and I decided that I should stay home.  Now, I love it with all my heart, but that means we have had to make some serious adjustments to our day to day lives!  And with the economy the way it is and with my husband's salary going backwards instead of forwards,  I got creative...I looked for deals every day, started paying attention to sales and coupons (especially when my daughter was born and we had the extra miracle in the house!)   I found that I was telling my friends via e-mail or phone daily about the good deals I could find when one suggested that I tell lots of people.  So, I started my blog!
I have a whole section about "Giving Back to the Community" click on these links to read a couple of the posts:

I make a donation once a week to our local Food Bank or to the Pregnancy Center depending on what I get.  For a very small amount, I truly believe I can make a difference, and can you imagine if other people thought that way too?  What a wonderful thought that is!


  1. Thanks so much for featuring me :)

  2. You are always welcome on here Tracy. Thanks for doing it...

    The Cute Couponer


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